Drowsy Maggie

Sheet music, notes and chords for the reel Drowsy Maggie. A great tune to play on tin whistle. This tune has become known to the greater public from the 3rd class party at the Titanic (the movie), where it is played very virtuoso on violin. However, the tune is also very popular amongst tin whistle players and often played at Irish sessions. It is one of my favorite reels on tin whistle.

Below you can find the sheet music, notes and chords for the tune. In the first PDF file you can find the notes with basic chords for the reel. In the second PDF file you can find a version with the same notes, but with a nit more extended chords. This version is especially fun to play if you are with a large band.

Drowsy Maggie sheet music, notes and chords

Drowsy Maggie sheet music, notes and extended chords

As you can see and hear in this recording, it’s not only a great tune to play, but also great for Irish step dancing.

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